Revolutionizing Education with Integem Holographic AR: The Importance of STEAM for Kids, Teens, and High Schoolers and How to Teach it

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. These areas of education are crucial today because they form the foundation of our world and the way we function in it. The concept of STEAM education was first introduced in the 1990s by Professor Eugene Sepulveda at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s National Science Foundation-funded Center for […]

The Top 10 AI Applications That Will Change Our Lives And Careers

Ai applications

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come an incredibly long way in the last few years, with applications expanding into every aspect of our lives, including work and education. Many people associate AI with Terminator-style robots that are taking over the world, but in reality, most of the AI innovations today are completely harmless and helpful—and that’s what we’re […]